NEVEU Pascal

Ingénieur de recherche - Directeur de l' UMR

Responsabilités administratives et scientifiques

  • Directeur  de l'UMR depuis 1er Janvier 2009
  • Responsable scientifique du CATI CODEX

Recherche : Gestion et intégration de données et de connaissances

  • Représentation de connaissance, ontologies, réseaux sémantiques
  • Systèmes d'Information
  • Partage, organisation et traitement de données


  • Python for scientific computing
  • R pour le traitement statistique et graphique (Master2 Biostatistique UMII, Ateliers) (Télécharger)
  • Scilab (Ateliers) (Télécharger)
  • Gestion répartie de procédés et Management de données (Télécharger)

Publications et Communications

  • Rafael Abbeloos, Jan Erik Backlund, Martin Basterrechea Salido, Pascal Neveu.., Peter Selby  BrAPI - an Application Programming Interface for Plant Breeding Applications March 2019 Bioinformatics DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz190/5418796
  • Pascal Neveu, Anne Tireau, Nadine Hilgert, Vincent Nègre, Jonathan Mineau‐Cesari, Nicolas Brichet, Romain Chapuis, Isabelle Sanchez, Cyril Pommier, Brigitte Charnomordic, François Tardieu, Llorenç Cabrera‐Bosquet August 2018 New Phytologist 221:588–601 DOI: 10.1111/nph.15385 
  • Véronique Bellon Maurel, Pascal Neveu, Alexandre Termier & Frédéric Garcia Le Big Data en agriculture Enjeux numériques – N°2 – juin 2018 – © Annales des Mines
  • César Aceves, Violaine Athès, Patrice Buche, Pascal Neveu, ..., Ioan Cristian TreleaThe virtual food system: Innovative models and experiential feedback in technologies for winemaking, the cereals chain, food packaging and eco-designed starter production October 2017 Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies DOI: 10.1016/j.ifset.2017.10.006
  • Pythagoras Karampiperis, Rob Lokers, Pascal Neveu, ..., Panagiotis Zervas; Big Data in Agricultural and Food Research: Challenges and Opportunities of an Integrated Big Data E-infrastructure In book: Big Data for the Greater GoodJuly 2019 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-93061-9_6
  • Pradal C., Artzet S., Chopard J., Dupuis D., Fournier C., Mielewczik M., Nègre V., Neveu P., Parigot D., Valduriez P., Cohen-Boulakia S.. 2017. InfraPhenoGrid: A scientific workflow infrastructure for plant phenomics on the Grid. Future Generation Computer System, 67 : p. 341-353.
  • A-F Adam-Blondon, M Alaux, C Pommier, D Cantu, Z-M Cheng, Gr Cramer, C Davies, S Delrot, L Deluc, G Di Gaspero, J Grimplet, A Fennell, Jp Londo, P Kersey, F Mattivi, S Naithani, P Neveu, M Nikolski, M Pezzotti, Bi Reisch, R Töpfer, Ma Vivier, D Ware and H Quesneville; Towards an open grapevine information system. Horticulture research, Nature, 2016, <10.1038/hortres.2016.56>
  • Hanna Ćwiek-Kupczyńska, Thomas Altmann, Daniel Arend, Elizabeth Arnaud, Dijun Chen, Guillaume Cornut, Fabio Fiorani, Wojciech Frohmberg, Astrid Junker, Christian Klukas, Matthias Lange, Cezary Mazurek, Anahita Nafissi, Pascal Neveu, Jan van Oeveren, Cyril Pommier, Hendrik Poorter, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Uwe Scholz, Marco van Schriek, Ümit Seren, Björn Usadel, Stephan Weise, Paul Kersey and Paweł Krajewski Measures for interoperability of phenotypic data: Minimum information requirements and formatting. Plant Methods (2016), 12: 44 DOI: 10.1186/s13007-016-0144-4
  • Luyen Le Ngoc, Anne Tireau, Aravind Venkatesan, Pascal Neveu, Pierre Larmande Development of a knowledge system for Big Data: Case study to plant phenotyping data. WIMS '16 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, Jun 2016, Nimes, France. ACM, <>. <10.1145/2912845.2912869>
  • Danai Symeonidou, Isabelle Sanchez, Madalina Croitoru, Pascal Neveu, Nathalie Pernelle, Fatiha Saïs, Aurelie Roland-Vialaret, Patrice Buche, Aunur-Rofiq Muljarto, Remi Schneider. Key Discovery for Numerical Data: Application to Oenological PracticesDOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40985-6_17 · In book: Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning, pp.222-236
  • Madalina Croitoru, Patrice Buche, Brigitte Charnomordic, Jerome Fortin, Hazael Jones, Pascal Neveu, Danai Symenidou, Rallou Thomopoulos. A Proposal for Modelling Agrifood Chains as Multi Agent Systems. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40596-4_42 · In book: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, pp.498-509
  • Francois Tardieu, Jacques Le Gouis, Pamela Lucas, Frédéric Baret, Pascal Neveu, Cyril Pommier, Nadine Hilgert, David Gouache, Xavier Pinochet. PHENOME: French Plant Phenomic Center. Conference paper: EPPN Plant Phenotyping Symposium, At Barcelona, Spain
  • Aunur Muljarto, Anne Tireau,Pascal Neveu, Jean-Michel Salmon. Development of viticulture and vinification ontology for experiment data and knowledge integration,  INFORSID 2015
  • Pascal Neveu  "From the plant to the bottle" invited talk at SRII Japan Summit  March 1--2, 2015 at University of Tokyo
  • Pascal Neveu "An approach based on knowledge engineering and statististical methods for data validation. Phenomics study in agriculture, invited talk. APAN 39th Conference Fukuoka, Japan
  • Pascal Neveu "From the plant to the bottle" Standard in Agriculture,  invited talk. APAN 39th Conference Fukuoka, Japan
  • Aunur-Rofiq Muljarto, Jean-Michel Salmon, Pascal Neveu, Brigitte Charnomordic, Patrice Buche  Ontology-Based Model for Food Transformation Processes Conference: Metadata and Semantics Research, Volume: Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 478, 2014, pp 329-343
  • Pascal Neveu "Semantic Web and Big Data in Plant Science" invited talk. Seminario STIC AmSud, 30-31 octobre Lima 2014
  • Benoit Jaillard, Dominique Barry-Etienne, Carlos Colinas, DE MIGUEL A.M., Laurent Genola, Aline Libre, Pascal Neveu, Daniel Oliach, Williams Saenz, Mauricio Sáez, Xavier Salducci, Gerard Souche, Pierre Sourzat, Manon Villeneuve, Alkalinity and structure of soils determine the truffle production in the Pyrenean Regions, Forest Systems 02/2014; 23(2):363-377. DOI:10.5424/fs/2014232-04933
  • Servajean M., Pacitti E., Amer-Yahia S., Neveu P., "Profile Diversity in Search and Recommendation", SRS'13: International Workshop on Social Recommender Systems 001
  • Neveu P., Rossard V., Tireau A., Aguera E., Perez M., Picou C. and Sablayrolles J. (2012). "Software for Data and Knowledge Management in Winemaking Fermentations". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, pages 369-372. DOI: 10.5220/0004138803690372
  • Valduriez P, Arnaud N, Briand F, Gascuel O, Gimenez O, Godin C, Jourde H, Kosuth P, Neveu P, Pacitti E, and Parmeggiani A, "Final Report of the ModSysC2020 Working Group - Data, Models and Theories for Complex Systems: new challenges and opportunities", 2012 preprint.
  • Neveu, P., Domerg, C., Fabre, J., Negre, V., Tireau, A., Corby, O., Faron-Zucker, C., Mirbel, I. (2010), "Using ontologies of software : example of R functions management", Third International Workshop, RED 2010, Paris, France, November 5, 2010, Revised Seleted Papers. Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6799 page 43-56
  • Fabre J., Dauzat M., Nègre V., Wuyts N., Tireau A., Gennari E., Neveu P., Tisné S., Massonnet C., Hummel I., Granier C. 2011 "PHENOPSIS DB : an Information System for Arabidopsis thaliana phenotypic data in an environmental context", BMC Plant Biol. 11:77
  • Chouet M., Nègre V., Destrac A., Lebon E., Neveu P., Bert P.F. and Ollat N. "Vitsec, an information system dedicated to grapevine adaptation to water deficit." 2nd International Plant Phenotyping Symposium, September 5th - 7th, 2011, Jülich, Germany
  • Neveu, P., Domerg, C., Fabre, J., Nègre, V., Tireau, A., Corby, O., Faron-Zucker, C., Mirbel, I. (2010), "Using ontologies of software : example of R functions management", IIWAS REsource Discovery Proceedings Paris, France, November 5, 2010, page 9.
  • Tireau, A., Domerg, C., Corby, O., Fabre, J., Faron-Zucker, C., Gennari, E., Granier, A., Mirbel, I., Nègre, V.and Neveu, P. (2010). "Using Annotations for R Functions Management, MOQA : Méta-données et Ontologies pour la Qualité des Annotations", JOBIM : Journées Ouvertes en Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques. September 2010, Montpellier.
  • Neveu, P., Fabre, J., Domerg, C., Corby, O., Faron-Zucker, C., Granier, A., Mirbel, I., Nègre, V., Tireau, A. (2010), "Using Ontologies for R Functions Management", The R User Conference, NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, July 2010, page 112.
  • Rossard, V., Neveu, P., Aguera, E., Dkhissi, A., Latrille, E., Perez, M., Picou, C., Rozas, N., Sablayrolles, J.M., Thomopoulos, R. (2010), "Utilisation d'ontologies pour la validation de mesures appliquée à la fermentation alcoolique (Use ontology for the measures validation on alcohol fermentation)", Cahier des techniques de l'INRA, n° 69, 2010 p.59.
  • Jeanson, S., Hilgert, N. Coquillard, M.O., Seukpanya, C., Faiveley, M., Neveu, P., Abraham, C., Georgescu, V., Fourcassié, P. and Beuvier E., 2009. Milk acidification by Lactococcus lactis is improved by decreasing the level of dissolved oxygen rather than decreasing redox potential in the milk prior to inoculation. to appear in : Int. J. of Food Microbiology.
  • Fabre J., Tireau A., Neveu P., Dauzat M., 2008. Granier C. Développement d'un Système d'Information de Phénotypage d'Aribidopsis thaliana. Cahier des techniques INRA 2008, 65, p 31-46.
  • Fabre J., Tireau A., Neveu P., Dauzat M., Granier C., 2008. Développement d'un Système d'Information de phénotypage d'Arabidopsis thaliana, pages 118 à 134, J2M Biarritz 6-9 octobre 2008.
  • Rossard V., Neveu P., Aguera E., Dkhissi A., Latrille E., Perez M., Picou C., Rozas N., Sablayrolles J.M., R. Thomopoulos R., 2008. Utilisation d'ontologies pour la validation de mesures appliquées à la fermentation alcoolique, pages 51 à 58, J2M Biarritz 6-9 octobre 2008.
  • Neveu P., Rossard V., Aguera E., Perez M., Picou C., Sablayrolles J.M., 2008. Gestion de données et de connaissances pour les bioprocédés. EGC-2008 Atelier Fouille de données, p 22-28 Sophia-Antipolis, Janvier 2008.
  • Rossard V., Neveu P., Picou C., Perez M., Aguera E., Sablayrolles J.M.,2008. Information System on alcoholic fermentation : feasibility and interest.15th   International Enology Symposium, Trier, Germany 14th ? 16th April 2008.
  • Jeanson, S., Hilgert, N., Coquillard, M.O., Seukpanya, C., Faiveley, M., Neveu, P. ; Abraham, C., Georgescu, V., Fourcassie, P., Beuvier, E., 2007. Initial dissolved oxygen level rather than initial decrease of redox potential slows down acidification kinetics of Lactococcus lactis strains in milk.[Poster]. 15. Colloque du Club des Bactéries Lactiques ; 2007/11/13-15 ; Rennes (FRA). 15. Colloque du Club des Bactéries Lactiques, 13-15 novembre 2007, Rennes, France, 1p.