European and international projects


2020 EMPHASIS-PREP (contrat 739514) : Preparation for EMPHASIS: European Infrastructure for multi-scale Plant Phenomics and Simulation for food security in a changing climate (2017-2021)

  • Local coordinator: Pascal Neveu
  • MISTEA's role in Emphasis-Prep is to design and implement data management services adapted to the European infrastructure for high throughput plant phenotyping. These services concern data FAIRification in particular: identification, access to semantic resources, data publication protocols, etc.

H2020 EPPN2020 (contrat 731013) : European Plant Phenotyping Network 2020 (2017-2021)

  • Local coordinator: Pascal Neveu
  • MISTEA is in charge of the Work Package JRA3 "Information system". MISTEA's role in EPPN2020 is to coordinate and implement information systems for high throughput plant phenotyping platforms under controlled conditions. It is primarily a question of proposing methodologies which favor the production and the valuation of FAIR datasets.

H2O2O TechCare (contrat 862050) : Integrating innovative TECHnologies along the value Chain to improve small ruminant welfARE management (2020-2024)

  • Local coordinator: Bertrand Cloez
  • MISTEA's role in TechCare is to develop high-performance algorithms for the improvement of animal welfare from data from sensors.

H2020 STARGATE (contrat 952330) : Sensors and daTA tRaininG towards high-performance Agri-food sysTEms (2021-2024)

  • Local coordinator: Pascal Neveu
  • MISTEA's role is to provide its knowledge concerning information systems dedicated to high throughput plant phenotyping, in particular through the OpenSILEX software suite and the PHIS implementation.

ANR ANSWER (contrat ANR-16-CE32-0009) : Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Water Ecosystems in Response to anthropogenic environmental changes – ANSWER (2017-2021)

  • Local coordinator: Céline Casenave
  • MISTEA's role in ANSWER is on the one hand to coordinate the project since MISTEA is the project leader on the French side. On the other hand, the members of MISTEA are involved in the modeling and simulation work of the lake ecosystem and in the model calibration work.
Labex Agro

PIA ANR - Fondation Agropolis Labex AGRO (Projet COEX) : Gouvernance adaptative de la coexistence des systèmes de gestion de la diversité (2017-2021)

Labex Agro

PIA ANR - Fondation Agropolis Labex AGRO (Projet IVA-WASTE) : Integrated VAlorization of liquid and solid WASTE (2021-2022)


NUMEV International Research Team : OntoPortal Alliance (2020-2023)

  • Local coordinator: Clément Jonquet
  • Continuing the long-standing collaboration between LIRMM and Stanford on the subject of ontology repositories, MISTEA is now involved in the OntoPortal Alliance –among other things through the development of AgroPortal – to mutualize and discuss development , standardization and interoperability of ontology repositories.