Partnerships and misc. collaborations

En complément des projets de recherche formalisés par un contrat/accord et donnant lieu à un financement, l’UMR MISTEA est également impliquée dans une myriade d’actions de collaborations, partenariats, ou sur des projets de recherche formels.


ANR THERMOMIC : Un cadre thermodynamique pour la modélisation de la croissance et des dynamiques microbiennes (2017-2021)

  • Local participant: Alain Rapaport
  • MISTEA contributes with the LBE to the ANR THERMOMIC project which aims to develop a theoretical framework to model the kinetics of microbial growth from the physical principles of thermodynamics, and to evaluate its potential for environmental engineering applications.

France-Agrimer et CNIV TraDéVi : Trajectoires de dépérissement des vignobles (2017-2021)


PIA ANR Labex Numev / projet LADiD : Analyse des déterminants de trajectoires pluriannuelles de dépérissement du vignoble par régression linéaire bayésienne pour données fonctionnelles (2021-2022)

  • Local participant: Meili Baragatti
  • The LADiD project is an extension of TraDéVi. The role of MISTEA is to develop generic statistical models making it possible to identify the factors and interactions of biotic, abiotic and technical factors that contribute to the drop in plot yield and the mortality of certain vines, as well as the period to be which these factors have an impact, in the short term at the scale of the crop cycle and in the long term since the planting of the plot.

PIA ANR Labex Numev / projet GRADOPTI : Optimisation du modèle du gradostat pour la production de biogaz (2020-2021)

  • Local participant: Alain Rapaport
  • MISTEA coordinates the GRADOPTI project funded by Labex Numev, the objective of which is the optimization of interconnected bioreactor networks to maximize the production of biogas in biological treatment processes of water resources. This project made it possible to finance the sabbatical stay of Prof. Joshua Taaylor of the Univ. from Toronto (Canada).

PIA ANR Labex Numev / projet IrrigOP : Commande optimale pour l’irrigation des cultures en situation de quota hydrique (2021)

  • Local participant: Sébastien Roux
  • MISTEA's role in IrrigOP is to apply the tools of optimal control to the problem of crop irrigation.

PIA ANR Labex Numev / Bourse de thèse : Couplage et réduction de modèles hydro-écologiques pour la simulation d’écosystèmes aquatiques d’eau douce (2018-2021)

  • Local participant: Céline Casenave
  • This funding made it possible to co-finance the thesis of Joseph Luis Kahn Casapia, the other half-thesis grant coming from the ANR ANSWER project.

PIA ANR Labex Arbre / Projet INFOR : Impact of Information about climate change in Forest (2021-2022)

  • Local participant: Patrice Loisel
  • UMR MISTEA is carrying out the study of the effect of discounting and uncertainty on the impact of risk in forestry.
PHC Hubert Curien

STAR (Hubert Curien PHC) : Modelling and control of membrane distillation system as post-treatment of anaerobic bioreactor treating wastewater (2021-2022)

  • Local participant: Alain Rapaport
  • MISTEA participates with the LBE in the bilateral France-Korea "STAR" project on the modeling and control of a membrane distillation system as post-treatment of an anaerobic bioreactor treating wastewater.

PIA ANR #DigitAg / Bourse de thèse : Métriques pour évaluer la spatialisation de modèles de culture pour l’agriculture de précision : application à la modélisation du statut hydrique de la vigne (2020-2023)


ANR FooSIN (contrat ANR-19-DATA-0019) : Participation française au Food Systems Implementation Network (IN) de GO FAIR (2020-2022)

  • Local participant: Clément Jonquet
  • The role of MISTEA, in partnership with the LIRMM and with the coordination of the DipSO is to focus on the means ("Build" work-package) necessary to adopt the FAIR principles in the management of research data, among other things via the use of ontologies and semantic resources.

ANR D2KAB (contrat ANR-18-CE23-0017) : Des données aux connaissances en agronomie et biodiversité (2019-2023)

  • Local participant: Clément Jonquet
  • D2KAB is a unifying project that brings together 12 partners including 5 INRAE research units and DipSO around the transition from data to knowledge. The project now also involves MISTEA (non-funded partner) via the project coordination provided by C. Jonquet.

JPI WATER - ANR Control4Reuse : Process Control Technologies for Water Reuse (2019-2023)

  • Local participant: Alain Rapaport
  • MISTEA is participating with the LBE in the European CONTROL4REUSE project, the objective of which is to propose innovative scenarios for the reuse of wastewater for agriculture, using couplings between models and automatic tools.

ANR JANUS : Contrôle et Optimisation des Transitions Métaboliques (2019-2023)

  • Local participant: Alain Rapaport
  • MISTEA participates with the LBE at the ANR JANUS which studies the role and the regulation of microbial subpopulations which degrade complex mixtures of substrates, in particular when the microorganisms change carbon source (change from glucose to xylose from the transformation of lignocellulose).